We help athletes get back in the game.
NesinFIT is changing the game by bridging the gap between rehab and fitness.
It’s our mission to return you to the field, court, box, or wherever it is that their PR’s get broken and their 1st place medals are raised.
Our goal is to get you across your FINISH LINE >>>

Let us help you recover, and then reach your goals. Our goal is to get you to your finish line.
Manual techniques are at the core of what we do. Working on joints, muscles and other soft tissue to improve mobility and strength.
Performance focused
We’re here to bridge the gap between rehab and fitness, so we focus on you as an athlete and your goals not just your injury.

Our sessions are 1 to 1, none of the double or triple booking so common in other clinics.
With our expertise in biomechanics and injury prevention, we can modify your training program to ensure the safest possible path to your goal.
Two experts are better than one. You will have two highly skilled therapists collaborating on your case for more comprehensive treatment and rapid recovery.
First step, get evaluated!
At your initial evaluation, we’ll learn about your current symptoms and understand how your life is being affected. Not only will we formulate a specific treatment plan to address your complaint and help you reach your goals, but we’ll help you understand why your body is in pain and/or not functioning as it should.
Ready to take your swing and golf game to the next level with our Titleist Performance Institute Certified physical therapist?
Ready to go the extra mile but plagued by pain & injuries?
Ready to safely push yourself to the limit and recover from your injuries to bring home the medal?
Ready to break a sweat but your chronic injury is holding you back from PR times?
Ready to improve your rides while warding off injuries to keep your wheels spinning?

Created With You In Mind
We blended the best parts of rehab and fitness to give you the leg up on your competition (even if it’s yourself).
We’re here to help if you’re a…
- Competitive athlete who wants to perform the best in your next competition or race but are worried about an injury slowing down your training
- Teen athlete ready to tackle your next game or competition head on and not be sidelined by an injury
- Health conscious individual who recognizes the importance of maintaining your health and wellness as you get older
- Active adult consistently pursuing a healthy and active lifestyle who needs help with your pain when you push yourself too hard at the gym
Team of expert physical therapists
We understand the difference between traditional therapy and therapy for athletes, so we brought together the best therapists that specialize in getting athletes back in the game.

Physical Therapist, Madison LOGAN KISH, PT, DPT

Have a specific question about your recovery needs? Want to collaborate with us? Give us a call or send us a message and we’ll be more than happy to help!
Frequently Asked Questions
We now have two locations to better accommodate all of our athletes in the North Alabama area!
Lincoln Mill
NesinFIT is located in Lincoln Mill – Downtown Huntsville at 1300 Meridian Street North, Suite 2200. Because Lincoln Mill is a historic building, we are unable to have signage. Hopefully, we can break it down here and make it easy to find us! We are located in the North Building. After driving down the left side entrance and parking near the back, you’ll see glass double doors that are the main entrance to Iron Tribe Fitness. Once you enter their gym space, you’ll take the stairs on the left to our NesinFIT suite upstairs! Take a left at the lobby and you’ll see the door to our suite and the window to check in with our NesinFIT Coordinator. Still having trouble? Give us a call at 256-489-1100, and we’ll happily direct you!
NesinFIT is located inside of Nesin Physical Therapy on County Line Road at 12181 County Line Road Suite 150 Madison, AL 35758. Need help finding us? Call us at 256-461-9654, and we’ll assist you!
Expect great things! At your initial evaluation, we’ll learn about your current symptoms and understand how your life is being affected. Not only will we formulate a specific treatment plan to address your complaint and help you reach your goals, but we’ll help you understand why your body is in pain and/or not functioning as it should. Each individual treatment session is a full hour and will consist of a combination of manual therapy, posture/balance training, strengthening, stretching, and/or modalities to relieve pain and inflammation!
You do not have to have a prescription to be evaluated by a physical therapist, so we encourage you to come in as soon as possible. If you need a referral to be treated, we will send your plan of care to your doctor or contact them directly if needed. Heads up your physician may request to see you prior to authorizing treatment. For health and wellness, injury prevention and athletic performance enhancement, no prescription is required.
Yes. Our staff will be happy to determine your physical therapy benefits, deductible information, and estimated cost for each visit based on your current insurance.
Yes, it’s preferred. However, contact us and let us know if this is a concern for you.