Sherry Stephenson




Sherry Stephenson - Nesin Physical Therapy Madison

Physical Therapist

Sherry Shoulder Mobility - Nesin Physical Therapy Madison

Why are you passionate about bridging the gap between rehab and fitness?

Helping people bridge the gap between rehab and fitness excites me because it is the perfect combination of two of my passions: fitness and physical therapy. Prior to becoming a therapist, I spent 15 years as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, and yoga instructor.  I also competed/trained for a number of years in triathlons, marathons, and CrossFit.  Over the past 5 years as a therapist, I have enjoyed getting to draw from these experiences to treat orthopedic and neurological patients in an outpatient setting.  NesinFIT is allowing me to use knowledge and skills from both the physical therapy and fitness worlds to get patients back to the high level activities they love.



What’s your favorite way/ways to stay active?

Currently, I stay active by teaching hot yoga and regularly doing spin, rowing, weight lifting, and Orange Theory classes. I also enjoy playing disc golf.

What exercise do you dread most during a workout?

There are always those moves we love to hate!  I think pull ups are at the top of that list for me.  

Sherry Weightlifters - Nesin Physical Therapy Madison

What are some of your favorite conditions to treat?

Generally, I love treating patients that are active and wanting to return to sports or athletic hobbies.  I especially like working with runners and weight lifters.

What’s your favorite sports team?

Whichever team is the underdog.  Always.